Codeunit "ForNAV Get Item Tracking"
ID 6188524
Get the item tracking lines for these source tables: "Sales Line" "Purchase Line" "Sales Invoice Line" "Sales Cr.Memo Line" "Purch. Inv. Line" "Purch. Cr. Memo Line" "Sales Shipment Line" "Return Receipt Line" "Purch. Rcpt. Line" "Return Shipment Line" "Transfer Shipment Line" "Transfer Receipt Line" "Whse. Receipt Line" "Whse. Shipment Line" "Posted Whse. Receipt Line" "Posted Whse. Shipment Line" "Production Order Line"
procedure GetTrackingSpecification(var TrackingSpecification: Record "Tracking Specification", SourceRec: Variant)
Name | Type | Description |
TrackingSpecification | Record "Tracking Specification" |
Tracking Specification temporary table. |
SourceRec | Variant |
A variant of type Record or RecordRef that represents the source table. |