Table of Contents

Table "ForNAV DirPrt Queue"

ID 6188493

This table contains the jobs for direct print and the file service.


Name Value
DataPerCompany False
Caption ForNAV Print Queue
Permissions tabledata "ForNAV DirPrt Setup" = rm


Name Type Description
ID Integer

An incrementing number that identifies the job.

"Direct Printer Name" Text[250]

Name of the direct printer or device to be used for this job.

ReportID Integer

Report number.

"Report Name" Text[50]

Name of the report.

"Local Printer" Text[250]

Name of the printer on the machine where the print service is running.

Status "ForNAV Local Print Status"

Status of the job.

Service Text[250]

Name of the service that has processed the job.

Document Blob

The actual document to be processed. For a print job this is the binary data for the PDF or raw data for a Zebra printer or another type of printer that supports raw data.

Message Text[1000]

Message returned from the processing service.

Size BigInteger

Size in bytes of the job.

Owner Text[250]

Name of the user who created the job.

"Document Name" Text[250]

A descriptive name for the document.

Company Text[100]

Name of the company where the job was created.

Settings Blob

Printer settings in JSON format.

ContentType Option

Content type of the print job. Valid options are PDF, Zebra, Package, and FileAccess.

Retries Integer

Number of retries left for this job.

InstanceNo Integer

The instance number of the process that handled the job. The direct print and file service can spawn multiple instances of the job processors to increase the prining performance.

"Session ID" Integer

User session ID for the user who created the job. This can be used to collect the jobs on hold for a specific user.

Tag Text[250]

An optional tag.

Response Blob

Response from the locally installed service.

SystemId Guid
SystemCreatedAt DateTime
SystemCreatedBy Guid
SystemModifiedAt DateTime
SystemModifiedBy Guid
SystemRowVersion BigInteger



Create a job on the direct print queue.

procedure Create(reportNumber: Integer, directPrinterName: Text, localPrinterName: Text, documentInStream: InStream, printerSettings: Text, documentName: Text, documentContentType: Option)


Name Type Description
reportNumber Integer

Report number.

directPrinterName Text

Direct printer name.

localPrinterName Text

Name of local printer.

documentInStream InStream

Document content.

printerSettings Text

Printer settings JSON.

documentName Text

Optional name of the printed document.

documentContentType Option

Content type of the document.


Create a job on the direct print queue.

procedure Create(reportNumber: Integer, directPrinterName: Text, localPrinterName: Text, documentInStream: InStream, printerSettings: Text)


Name Type Description
reportNumber Integer

Report number.

directPrinterName Text

Name of the direct printer.

localPrinterName Text

Name of the local printer.

documentInStream InStream

Document content.

printerSettings Text

Printer settings JSON.


Create a job for client print.

procedure Create(documentName: Text, directPrinterName: Text, documentInStream: InStream, documentContentType: Option)


Name Type Description
documentName Text

A descriptive name of the job content. The value is used in the queue.

directPrinterName Text

Direct printer name.

documentInStream InStream

A stream with the job content.

documentContentType Option

Content type of the document.


Download all jobs that are on hold for the current user session.

procedure DownloadPrintJobs()


This is used for client print.


Download all jobs within the filter on the DirPrtQueue record parameter.

procedure DownloadPrintJobs(var DirPrtQueue: Record "ForNAV DirPrt Queue")


Name Type Description
DirPrtQueue Record "ForNAV DirPrt Queue"

A record that holds the filter for the jobs to download.


This is used for client print when you want to process multiple jobs from one user action.


Restart the print job. A finished or failed job can be restarted. The status is set to ready and the job is picked up and processed again.

procedure Restart()



This event lets you modify the job when it is created in the queue.

procedure OnAfterInsertPrintJob(var DirPrtQueue: Record "ForNAV DirPrt Queue")


Name Type Description
DirPrtQueue Record "ForNAV DirPrt Queue"

Record holding the job that was just inserted.

See also