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Table "ForNAV File Directory"

ID 6188511

This is a temporary table designed to hold the result of a directory scan.


Name Value
DataClassification SystemMetadata
TableType Temporary


Name Type Description
Id Integer
FullName Text[1000]
Directory Text[1000]
Name Text[500]
Length BigInteger
LinkDirectory Text[1000]
FullShareName Text[1000]
ShareDirectory Text[1000]
Extension Text[20]
IsReadOnly Boolean
IsSystem Boolean
IsHidden Boolean
IsArchive Boolean
IsDirectory Boolean
CreationTime DateTime
LastAccessTime DateTime
LastWriteTime DateTime
DisplayName Text[500]
DisplaySize Text[20]
SystemId Guid
SystemCreatedAt DateTime
SystemCreatedBy Guid
SystemModifiedAt DateTime
SystemModifiedBy Guid
SystemRowVersion BigInteger

See also