Quick resolution
Before you create a support ticket, here are some things you can try.
Read the error message
It may be stating the obvious, but the error message often tells you where the problem is. Sometimes, you may find the error messages detailed with a log of unreadable system information, but somewhere in the message, you may find the hint you need to solve the problem.
Search for information
Information about the product is available on the Internet. A quick search for the error message or other details may take you to a page with the solution to the problem.
Ask a colleague
You likely have colleagues who know the product. Try to ask them for advice on the problem you are facing.
Submit a request
Partners can create a support ticket and get help from our support team. When you create a support ticket, it is essential to give us details about the problem and how we can try to reproduce it.
Error message
Take screenshots of the error message that you see. It will often give us some context that is otherwise hard to describe.
Collect log files
Attach a compressed archive of the log files. The logs will give us information about when the error happens and hints about what goes wrong.
Document from queue
You can download the job from the queue in Business Central. Please attach it to the ticket, so that we can see what you are trying to do.