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Codeunit "ForNAV Fill Repeater"

ID 6188537



Creates one line per unit of quantity.: The RepeaterLine needs to have at least a Quantity in the Total Quantity field. That will determine the total number of lines. By default one per Quantity unless Quantity Per is also filled. The Line Per specifies how the lines will be created The "Total Quantity", "Quantity Per", and "Line Per" will be set by filter if there is one. If there is no filter an actual value must be set of at least the "Total Quantity" field.

procedure FillRepeaterLines(var RepeaterLine: Record "ForNAV Repeater Line" temporary)


Name Type Description
RepeaterLine Record "ForNAV Repeater Line" temporary

Repeater Line temporary table.


Creates one line per unit of quantity.: The RepeaterLine needs to have at least a Quantity in the Total Quantity field. That will determine the total number of lines. By default one per Quantity unless Quantity Per is also filled. The Line Per specifies how the lines will be created. The "Total Quantity", "Quantity Per", and "Line Per" will be set by filter if there is one. If there is no filter an actual value must be set of at least the "Total Quantity" field.

procedure FillRepeaterLines(var RepeaterLine: Record "ForNAV Repeater Line" temporary, SourceRec: Variant)


Name Type Description
RepeaterLine Record "ForNAV Repeater Line" temporary

Repeater Line temporary table.

SourceRec Variant

The parent table. Used to determine item tracking entries.



procedure OnBeforeFillRepeaterLines(var RepeaterLine: Record "ForNAV Repeater Line" temporary, SourceRec: Variant, var Handled: Boolean)


Name Type Description
RepeaterLine Record "ForNAV Repeater Line" temporary
SourceRec Variant
Handled Boolean

See also